What strategies does Project 2025 propose to integrate cyber defense capabilities into national security, and how will these affect the U.S.’s ability to respond to cyber threats?

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Project 2025 outlines significant reforms to bolster the United States’ cyber defense capabilities.

It proposes enhancing the integration of cyber defense into national security frameworks, particularly focusing on developing strategies to retaliate against foreign cyberattacks on U.S. infrastructure and citizens.

The document advocates for the application of traditional deterrence strategies to the cyber domain, aiming to deter adversaries through the credible threat of retaliatory cyber actions.

Additionally, there is an emphasis on updating the national security strategy to define clear roles and responsibilities for cyber defense.

These measures are intended to improve the U.S.’s resilience against and response to cyber threats, potentially reducing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and private data.

However, the aggressive posture in cyber deterrence may also lead to escalation in cyber arms development and an increase in the sophistication of cyberattacks, posing challenges for global cybersecurity norms and cooperation [Project 2025, page 152].