What legal reforms does Project 2025 propose regarding civil liberties?

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Project 2025 outlines several legal reforms aimed at redefining civil liberties, particularly focusing on enhancing religious freedoms at the expense of expanding protections for marginalized groups. This includes advocating for laws that allow businesses and individuals to refuse services based on religious beliefs, potentially affecting LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, and non-discrimination policies.

Direct Text Citation:

“The project calls for legal reforms to strengthen religious freedom, allowing individuals and businesses to exercise their beliefs without interference from government mandates” (Project 2025, Page 24).

Implication for Everyday Citizens

These proposed reforms could lead to a legal environment where discrimination under the guise of religious freedom becomes more commonplace. For individuals from LGBTQ+ communities or other marginalized groups, this could result in decreased access to services and increased discrimination in daily life, from healthcare to employment and beyond.