What are the consequences of dismantling what the document calls “wasteful and corrupt bureaus and offices”?

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The proposal to eliminate federal bureaus and offices under the guise of efficiency could strip away important protections for workers, the environment, and consumers. The curtailing of what is termed “woke propaganda” suggests a silencing of diversity and inclusivity initiatives, potentially creating a hostile environment for free speech and dissent.

Elimination of Federal Bureaus and Offices

Proposed Changes:

  • Project 2025 advocates for the elimination of various offices within federal agencies, such as the FBI’s Office of Public Affairs, as part of an effort to streamline government functions and reduce what the project perceives as unnecessary bureaucracy. 2025 Mandate, page 317

Who Would Be Affected:

  • Employees within these offices would face job losses.
  • The general public could experience reduced oversight and diminished enforcement of laws and regulations that protect workers, the environment, and consumers.


  • Stripping away these protections could lead to increased corporate malpractices, environmental degradation, and exploitation of workers, as fewer controls and less oversight might embolden harmful corporate behaviors.

Curtailing “Woke Propaganda”

Proposed Changes:

  • The initiative calls for ending what it describes as “woke propaganda” by abolishing terms like “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI), and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) from federal use, suggesting a significant rollback on initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity and diversity. 2025 Mandate, pages 36-37

Who Would Be Affected:

  • LGBTQ+ individuals and other marginalized groups who benefit from diversity and inclusion programs would be directly impacted.
  • Broader society might experience a cultural shift towards less acceptance and more discrimination against non-mainstream identities and lifestyles.


  • This could create a more hostile environment for free speech and dissent, especially for voices advocating for diversity and inclusion. It could also lead to greater societal division and potentially increase incidents of hate crimes and discrimination.

Additional Notes:

  • Project 2025 expresses a desire to restore what it views as a more constitutionally aligned federal government by reducing its size and scope, which includes reining in what the project characterizes as expansive and unchecked federal powers. 2025 Mandate, page 40

These proposed changes indicate a significant shift towards conservative governance that prioritizes efficiency and cost-cutting at the potential expense of protective measures for workers, the environment, and consumers. The focus on dismantling “woke” culture within the government suggests an ideological drive that may compromise the existing efforts towards creating inclusive and diverse workplaces and public services.