How does the promotion of religious liberty according to this conservative vision affect those of differing faiths or the non-religious?

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Project 2025 strongly emphasizes protecting and expanding religious liberty, primarily focusing on supporting faith-based practices and organizations in line with conservative Christian values. The project promotes a definition of religious freedom that often aligns with specific religious ideologies, which may include allowing faith-based organizations to operate according to their beliefs even when these may conflict with broader societal norms.

Direct Text Citation:

“Protect faith-based grant recipients from religious liberty violations and maintain a biblically based, social science–reinforced definition of marriage and family” (Project 2025, Page 13).

Implication for Everyday Citizens:

For people who share these conservative religious beliefs, this might feel like a protection of their values and way of life. However, for those of differing faiths or the non-religious, this approach to religious liberty could feel exclusive or discriminatory. For example, if a faith-based organization does not agree with the lifestyle or beliefs of certain groups of people, like those in the LGBTQ+ community, they might deny services to these individuals based on religious grounds.

This can lead to situations where people might not receive help or services just because they live or believe differently from the dominant religious views supported by these policies. It could create divisions in communities and make it harder for everyone to feel accepted and safe, regardless of their personal beliefs or lack thereof.