How does “Project 2025” propose to enhance national security?

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Project 2025 outlines a strategic overhaul of the U.S. military’s spending and procurement processes.

The goal is to equip the armed forces with the most technologically advanced and capable equipment available.

This plan includes a focused realignment of defense priorities to address both current and foreseeable global security challenges.

Direct Text Citation:

Restore standards of lethality and excellence. Entrance criteria for military service and specific occupational career fields should be based on the needs of those positions. Exceptions for individuals who are already predisposed to require medical treatment (for example, HIV positive or suffering from gender dysphoria) should be removed, and those with gender dysphoria should be expelled from military service.” (Project 2025, page 135)

Improve military recruiters’ access to secondary schools and require completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)—the military entrance examination—by all students in schools that receive federal funding.” (Project 2025, page 134)

Categories of Changes:

  • Military Spending and Procurement:
    • Redirecting funds towards cutting-edge technology and armaments to ensure the military remains globally dominant.
  • Strategic Security Alignment:
    • Focusing on emerging global threats to tailor defense strategies and capabilities accordingly.

Detailed Implications for Everyday Citizens:

Impact on Public Spending:

  • Resource Allocation:
    • Increased allocation to defense might secure better military equipment and preparedness but could result in reduced funding for public sectors such as healthcare, education, and social services.
      • This could lead to a decrease in the quality and accessibility of these essential services, affecting the health and education of the general population.
        • Economic Impact:
          • While boosting the defense industry may create jobs in certain sectors, it might also lead to budget constraints in others, potentially stifling broader economic growth.

Military Recruitment and Social Impact:

  • Compulsory ASVAB Testing:
    • Mandating this military test in schools could shift the educational focus towards military preparedness, potentially at the expense of a broader educational curriculum. This could influence young people’s career choices, steering more toward military service, which may not align with their personal or professional aspirations.
  • Exclusionary Practices:
    • The explicit barring of individuals with conditions like gender dysphoria not only affects those individuals’ career opportunities and rights but also promotes a discriminatory atmosphere within the military and broader society. This could lead to increased stigma and decreased diversity within the armed forces.

Cultural and Ideological Shifts:

  • Normalization of Military Focus in Education:
    • Introducing military tests and recruitment in educational settings could normalize the presence and influence of military values in schools, potentially overshadowing academic freedom and diversity of thought.
  • Strengthening Conservative Ideologies:
    • The emphasis on traditional and conservative values in military policies, including the exclusion of certain groups, could entrench these ideologies more deeply across societal structures, affecting national discourse on rights, freedoms, and inclusivity.


The strategies proposed in “Project 2025” for enhancing national security involve significant shifts in policy, funding, and societal roles.

While they may potentially lead to a more secure and technologically advanced military, they also pose risks of diverting critical resources from civilian needs and promoting exclusionary and discriminatory practices.

These changes could profoundly affect everyday citizens, shaping not just security policies but also societal values and individual opportunities.

Understanding these impacts is crucial for stakeholders and citizens as they navigate the potential realities of a reshaped national and social landscape.