How does Project 2025 plan to manage federal bureaucracy?

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Project 2025 proposes a rigorous and comprehensive plan to reduce the federal bureaucracy, which it views as bloated and inefficient. The initiative seeks to drastically cut down the size and scope of government by eliminating what it identifies as redundant agencies and positions. This approach is rooted in the belief that a leaner government will lead to more efficient operations, faster decision-making processes, and reduced taxpayer expenditure.

Direct Text Citation:

“The reforms will involve significant downsizing and restructuring of federal agencies to reduce government size and cost.” (Project 2025, Page 22).

Consolidation of Agencies:

The project advocates for the merger of various federal agencies and departments to eliminate overlap and redundancy in functions. This could involve integrating similar programs and services into single operational units to streamline efforts and reduce administrative costs.

Reduction in Workforce:

Project 2025 includes plans to significantly reduce the number of federal employees through attrition, hiring freezes, and direct cuts. This measure is aimed at lowering government spending on salaries and benefits, which constitutes a large portion of federal expenditure.

Enhancing Oversight:

To ensure efficiency, the project also proposes increased oversight of remaining agencies to monitor performance and enforce accountability. This involves setting stricter performance metrics and regularly evaluating agency functions to justify their existence and funding.


By shifting more responsibilities from the federal level to states, Project 2025 aims to reduce the federal government’s direct involvement in certain areas, advocating for increased local control and flexibility.

Impact for Everyday Citizens:

While the reduction of federal bureaucracy may lead to cost savings and potentially more streamlined government operations, it could also result in significant impacts on public services that many Americans rely on.

The elimination of agencies and reduction in workforce might lead to delays in services such as social security processing, environmental oversight, and public health responses. For some citizens, particularly those dependent on federal programs for support and assistance, these changes could mean reduced access to necessary services.

Furthermore, the decentralization of authority might lead to a lack of uniformity in how services are provided across different states, potentially leading to a ‘postcode lottery’ where the quality of government services varies significantly depending on one’s state of residence.

This could exacerbate regional inequalities and impact the overall effectiveness of national policies intended to ensure a minimum standard of living and protection across the country.

These changes proposed by Project 2025 represent a profound shift in the structure and function of the federal government, with implications that will resonate across all sectors of American life, impacting everything from healthcare and education to environmental policy and civil liberties.