How does Project 2025 aim to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal, and what are the implications for global nuclear deterrence and stability?

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Project 2025 emphasizes the expansion and modernization of the U.S. nuclear forces to ensure that they can simultaneously deter major adversaries like Russia and China.

The strategy includes developing new nuclear capabilities at the theater level to prevent any potential nuclear coercion against the United States.

This approach seeks to reinforce U.S. nuclear deterrence capabilities, which are deemed necessary for maintaining global stability.

However, such expansion could also escalate arms races with other nuclear powers, potentially destabilizing international relations and increasing the risk of nuclear conflict.

The proposal to enhance nuclear forces underscores a commitment to maintaining a strong deterrent posture but raises concerns about the long-term consequences of nuclear proliferation and the sustainability of global arms control efforts [Project 2025, page 127].